• E-commerce sales : x3.5
  • Cost of acquisition : -75

Presentation and issues

Bergere de France has been a major player in the knitting yarn sector for over half a century. Bergère de France has grown from a family-run business to a brand recognised throughout Europe, and has developed its business by building one of the largest and most beautiful spinning mills in Lorraine.
Expanding your audience
Winning over a younger demographic
Opening up your acquisition to international markets


We started with Phildar by working on the audience clusters on their site. We reused these clusters to create new advertising campaigns. Then, to adapt to their sector, we drew up an action plan based on product seasonality to maximise their performance, opening up campaigns in the UK, Belgium, Canada, the USA and the Netherlands.

Livre Blanc 

Guide IA & Paid Media 2025 : Révélez le potentiel de vos produits en e-commerce.

💡 Découvrez le fonctionnement des algorithmes publicitaires, des solutions concrètes comme le scoring dynamique, des stratégies IA pour un ciblage précis, et bien plus encore.